Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WWIII: Sooner than we think?

WWIII: Sooner than we think?




The table is being set.....

Just ask yourself ONE question:
Do you see any of this SLOWING DOWN? It's escalating, folks. Pretty quickly, I might add. The pawns are positioned, and the ones that aren't yet are close.

The "game" is about to begin.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Well, well, well......

Looks like war is brewing, folks. The big one. WWIII.

Think so?

Yeah, I do.

See, this is how World War I began. There were many factors that led to that war, of course......the invasion of nations by other nations, territory disputes, economic issues, you name it.

We're seeing all of those things today.

But the flash point, the spark that started WWI, was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (along with his poor wife Sophie).

What will be the flash point, the spark, that ignites WWIII?

Tensions are so high in the Middle East, I would say that would be the place to watch. (Uhhhhh, no kidding).

All of it, in one way or another, is centered around God's chosen people, the Jews.

The Arab Spring is nothing more than a Satanic movement to usher in the Antichrist.


Yep, that's what I said.

Of course, the participants aren't running around with pentagrams carved into their flesh, slaughtering animals and/or humans as sacrifices to Lucifer......are they?

Well, they ARE slaughtering lots of people. And they make no bones about promulgating their Anti Semitism in the form of banners hung in soccer arenas which read "To Jerusalem we go, martyrs in the millions".


Of all the things that could be done now that dictators are toppled. In Egypt, Mubarak is out. What have the people done with their "freedom"? Ushered in the Muslim Brotherhood, implemented Sharia law, you know, that kind of stuff.

But there's going to be DEMOCRACY in the Middle East now!!!

Never. It will NEVER happen. What is happening, and what will continue to happen, is an alignment of nations against the Jew. They will gather around little Israel like a pack of ravening wolves. The head wolf himself, Satan, is behind it all.

Just ask yourself.....why are the Egyptians so fired up and ready to march to Jerusalem? Wouldn't they be concerned with improving their infrastructure? Bettering their nation? Not a bit. Why? Because Satan is readying his hand......he's setting the political landscape up in order to see that his man, the Antichrist, is ushered in 1-2-3.
The dictators have toppled since the Arab Spring began. They are being swept aside to make room for the final dictator.

More to come.........


Happy President's Day!! Hello, this is the guru! I don't claim any mystical wisdom by using that name.....it's simply a variation of my last name.....my friends have been calling me "guru" since I could remember! Anyway, I wanted to start doing this simply to speak my mind, and hopefully share information/opinions that you may find useful......

More to come......